period makeup
These makeup looks begin at the 1920's and travel up to the 1970's punk.
All of these looks incorporate the makeup trends of each era comprising features of the face, eyebrows, lips and hair
painting on the face
- The first picture is a recreation of a painting designed by Anna Matykiewicz.
- The second painting is a recreation of a painting designed by Elena Rosato
- The 3rd & 4th pictures are recreations of the makeup in the movies, Avatar and Edward Scissor Hands
theatre makeup
- The first look shows aging for theatre using grease paints and recoloring of eyebrows
- The second look shows a bald cap application and coloring.
- The 3rd look shows facial hair postiche application and laying on hair
special effects makeup
these looks were created using alcohol palettes and scar wax as well as fake blood
- The 1st look shows bruising on the right eye and left cheek
- The 2nd look shows a cut lip, bruising under the eye, bleeding nose and a gash on the chin
- The 3rd look shows a broken nose
- The 4th look shows open wounds on the face
Minor project